The big foundational block in rediscovering who you are at the core, before all the layers of societal conditioning. Your gifts, your energy center that create value for you and the blocks and restrictions and belief patterns that are no longer serving you, rather stopping you from a fulfilled life with that calm presence in knowing what to do and what not to do.
After booking, I will contact you for a date when I present what I have found in the quantum field called the Akash by older traditions. Please allow for 1-3 hours presentation depending on your questions.
No cancellation is possible 2 days before the presentation, since I start working with the information and making sense of it then, which is a bit of work!

5,900 SEK

Foundation reading Soul Realignment™

What new circumstances do you want to create in the next 6 monts?

And why have you not yet created them?

Getting clear on what your natural strengts and gifts are, and certainly what they are not can benefit you enormously in both life and work relations and in manifesting. We sometimes think we have to work on improving our not so strong areas, and what comes easily for us, we don't always realize is our gift since we mistakenly think that everyone finds this easy so it has no value. And then we learn strategies from others, and "this is how we do this". And then we get confused and don't think we are good enough. What a mess all this confusion can create for us!

So we peel off the layers, give you clarity and bring forward the thoughpatterns and behavioural patterns that you might be involved in - but drains you instead of gives you energy.

So you can make new choices and take action in a different way - test and check what happens around you, what changes and how.

And if you have very deep patterns that you find hard to leave - those automatic reactions, or patterns that are so ingrained that you think that "this is how I am supposed to be" - then I am here to support you if YOU WANT to change into more full alignment with yourself. To help you reprogram yourself to who you want to be, to fully access joy, clairtiy and ease.

After booking this, I will contact you for some information and book a date for presentation of what I find - after you give me access to your Akashic records! Like a library in the quantum. It sounds like magic, but all our bodies, our thoughts and emotions are electromagnetic waves, and energy can not be destroyd, so the information is out there in the eather. The skill is to be able to download it and present it in a way that makes sens... And I can only access what you allow me to access, so do not worry - I will not be able to find anything that you are not ready to hear and ready to change/release. This is so life changing!

What happens after you order?

After your purchase, I will contact you for the information I need and to set a date and time for the presentation. I can not start any search for information until you have paid, because that is your commitment and thus release of access into the quantum. It defines your intention. 

You choose if you want the presentation in person here in Stockholm, or over zoom/FaceTime. Obviously it will be interactive, so you can ask questions as well! I will record the presentation and send it to you, so you can revisit it. All my work is confidential, so only you and I will have access to the recording. 

If you do not hear from me within 3 days, pls feel free to contact me! 


Tegnérgatan 13 A
11140 Stockholm


+46 707 334450


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